What are the Modules of EVOTE?
Common Administration Space (CAS):
Customizing functions for election administrators and election committees, which enables one to enter all parameters necessary to conduct an election or referendum via a user-friendly, graphical interface. The Administration Space enables even dislocated election committees to virtually meet and to jointly define and release the election as well as to monitor the election and to open the ballot box once voting has stopped.
The Common Administration Space enforces strict access management on the level of system administration, election administration and the election committee functions for an individual constituency; some functions may only be accessed by a pre-defined quorum of committee members or administrators.   
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Voter Roll Loading Tool (VRL):
This enables one to load voters, to merge voter rolls from several sources, to define consistency rules in the loading operation, and to update and to check the voter roll.   
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E-Voting Server (EVS):
This encompasses a start page that launches the Java-based voting client and a set of Web services to communicate with the voting client. The start page is delivered as source code and can easily be integrated in a custom-made Web page of the election authority.
The Web services respond to the voting client’s requests, check their validity and drive the voting client by providing the necessary data for the voter.
The E-Voting Server keeps track of all launched Voting Client Sessions and performs consistency checks on each request by the Voting Client.   
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The Voting Client (EVC):
This is the interface to the voter enabling the voter to register for an election and to cast a vote (for scenarios, see below). The Voting Client is Java-based and hence platform independent. Communications between the Voting Client and the Voting Web service are fully encrypted and authenticated.   
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The Secure Key Management (SKM):
All cryptographic election keys are managed by the SKM, which enables cryptography-based majority decisions in committees (eg., when a majority in an election committee decides to open and count the ballot).   
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The Verifier (VFY):
An extension to the SKM, which provides a second digital signature on voting rights in addition to the election server. An independent watchdog authority providing additional safeguards in the election process would typically run the Verifier.   
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Logging and Auditing (LGG):
EVOTE offers a large number of potential logging points covering the activities of the system administration, election committee and voters. Except for the most crucial events (e.g., election was released) the logging point may be selected/deselected via a simple user-friendly interface depending on the specific auditing needs.
A large number of reports are offered on all administration levels, which enables election committee members (and not just system administration) to monitor an ongoing election. The logging is encrypted and tamper-resistent.   
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Intrusion Detection Cockpit (IDC):
CAS, EVS, SKM and VFY constantly monitor themselves and their incoming data traffic. All suspicious activities are logged, classified and cause alerts that show in the IDC component.   
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