What is CAS: Common Administration Space?
Conventional e-voting systems rely on software that must be individually adapted to each new election: Identification mode, ballot sheet, result computations and presentation, to name but a few examples. Programmers outside the immediate control of the election committees perform these modifications, which gives rise to complaints of “black box voting”.
It is however the election committee that is legally and politically responsible for the election in its constituency and hence should also have control over the data and the processes in preparing and conducting a ballot. EVOTE offers the Common Administration Space (CAS) for this purpose.
What is VRL: Voter Roll Loading Tool?
One of the main tasks in preparing an election is to load the voter roll. This is not a trivial task, when several decentrally maintained voter rolls are to be merged into one for an election. For this purpose, EVOTE offers a graphical, easy-to-use loading tool similar to data warehouse loading systems for comparing, merging and changing voting rights which includes in-depth reporting and checking tools. All load processes are logged to enable complete reproducibility; the logs can be checked via an easy-to-use viewing system, which also enables election administrators to detect data integrity violations.
During the ballot VRL offers reports on voter participation and voter activity and the roll can be downloaded from the EVOTE database for external archiving and verification.
VRL is fully compatible to the
Election Mark-up Language (EML) standard, which is referenced in Council of Europe Recommendation 2004(11).
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