What is the functionality of CAS?
Election Data:
CAS enables election administrators to define key election parameters, such as the registration and voting
period, possible
replacement votes, the information
texts displayed to the voters, the
constituencies and their
election committees and the
layout of all forms displayed to the voter (for an example, see screenshot below). Apart from the general help function, users may use individual help functions for most entry and status fields.
Constituency Data:
Election committee members may define the ballot sheet in their constituency with maximum flexibility:
multiple votes, vote cumulation, splitting the ticket and a number of ballot sheet layouts for main and preferential votes are available. Also, the committee may choose, whether the entries in the ballot sheet are checked before submission (thereby preventing electronic voters from unintentionally submitting an invalid ballot) or not. Of course, in either case, the votes are always validated in the counting process (for a sample see the picture).
Decisions in the election committee may not always be necessarily unanimous, that is why EVOTE also enables the (ex ante and unalterable) definition of
majority decisions, particularly in opening the electronic ballot box. Also a second verification ballot box (available in SP2) may be defined, whereby the result is computed and displayed twice – from the main and from the verification ballot box.
Election Observation:
Election administrators and election committee members in constituencies may retrace all steps in preparing the election and may observe the election. Suspicious actions cause immediate alarm and countermeasures may be taken (for more details see the EVOTE Intrusion Detection overview sheet).